Thursday, March 4, 2010

On Property Rights

I have a hole in my understanding of Libertarian philosophy that I am trying to fill on property rights, but found this article interesting.

In the New World, the state acted to preempt access to empty or nearly empty land, by claiming it for the "public" domain. This was followed by restrictions on access by individual homesteaders, coupled with massive land grants to land speculators, railroads, mining and logging companies, and other favored classes. The result was to limit the average producer's independent access to the land as a means of livelihood, to thereby restrict his range of independent alternatives in seeking a livelihood, and thus force him to sell his labor in a buyer's market.

coming soon (hopefully): on mass production
also, my opinion is Schiff's on inheritance, but I disagree with him on Iran (he's coming off as a neocon imo)

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