Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Stimulus Politics aka Creating a Welfare State

Paul Begala has elucidated the real motivations behind the stimulus bill better than I ever could: http://www.cnn.com/2009/POLITICS/02/16/begala.carolina/index.html

He likens the stimulus package to steroids, and I think that's a great analogy. In sports, if you take steroids you gain an advantage over your opponent. So, without laws and regulations, all professional athletes would have to take steroids to compete.

Now, imagine that the Republicans are athletes who think that no athletes should take steroids, and that the Democrats are users and pushers. If you don't take steroids (receive bailout money) you and your fans (constituents) will be at an unfair advantage in a crooked game. Unless all players agree to not take steroids you're hurting yourself and your team by abstaining.

What I see as worse is the bribery implicit in the Democrat's stance. Implicit is that if you back the administration's policies, you should get money; if you don't back the policy you shouldn't get money. And the genius of the argument is that, absent my previous comments, it looks like the Republican principals have forced them into a lose lose situation.

Also note that if the Democrats subsidize everything, any individual who opposes the government will be easily destroyed by removing his/her government subsidy.

Saturday, February 7, 2009

Stimulus IS Government Spending

So they finally admitted it. The democrats think they can spend their way out of the recession. But remember that the government is by the people, for the people. So what they are saying is that they want to tax you (or borrow against the promise to tax you even more in the future) in order to pay you to do a job.

It's simpler if you imagine that you are the only citizen that they rule. They either collect taxes from you, or borrow from someone else with the promise that you will pay back more in the future. They then use that money to get you to do a project that they want done. Maybe you think it should be done, too - but why do you need a middle man to do it? Just volunteer your time and energy and fire the middle man.

America doesn't need a pharaoh, doesn't want a pharaoh, and never has. Build your own pyramid.

Friday, February 6, 2009

Thursday, February 5, 2009

An American Person Rendering Judgment

Obama's saying that Republicans need to give up their position because, "the American people have rendered their judgment."

I'm an American person. Here's my judgment: Don't pass a spending bill. Cut taxes. Balance the budget. Don't redistribute wealth. Don't nationalize private business. Don't turn the US into a socialist country. Go back to audio books.

Oh, and remember that it wasn't the failed policies of Republicans that got us into this mess, but rather you and your Democratic thugs preventing regulation of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, and your leveraging the Community Reinvestment Act to force banks to make bad loans. You do remember that, don't you? That the housing bubble didn't have anything to do with lowering taxes?

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Let 'em fail!

Let 'em fail in the US, also

Let the Market Clear!

I've been thinking this for a while. The masters' bailout of the banks was more about keeping real estate prices high so that their wage slaves can't buy their freedom.

Where is the Stimulus Money Coming From?

If anyone knows, please comment. Please include links. Interest rates would be helpful.

How Tax Cuts Can Educate A Child aka STFU Barney Frank

Barney Frank has been saying: No tax cut educates a child in the way that it ought to be done.

If you stop stealing a family's money, they may be able to live on a single income and home school their children; or afford a private school that the family feels is better for their child than the often inadequate socialist schools. And giving a family options on how their child may be educated is the way it ought to be done.