Monday, October 11, 2010

"why" trumps might

in stephan's latest vlog he argues for philosophy over force. i've written "around" this before - i want to take it a step further: philosophy trumps force. "why" is a great power in human relations - we ask it constantly when we're young, and often only stop when authority forces us a that delicate age. however, when you try to beat "why" with force you become less powerful. so answers containing the ring of truth will trump violence when applied correctly - you cannot stop a truthful message with violence. violence is actually one of the most costly, least effective powers in the world, and i have little doubt that those who rely on it will soon find that out

switching gears slightly - imo, the only reason the fiat dollar still has power is because violence is being used to enforce its use. as the dollar looses strength, the ability to apply force will decrease and the dollar will fold. unlike many, i doubt gold will take its place. maybe for international trade. silver might be used in the US, though platinum and palladium are both viable.

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