Sunday, June 27, 2010

big ole mess of conspiracy

i just can't help myself - this is pure conjecture

so, "we"'ve got all these south american countries mad at "us". one of them had a dispute with britain not long ago about some islands. russia went through the panama canal for the first time in a long time early in the obama administration, no one in the middle east has reason to be happy with us - especially iran who can do something about it (and they're pretty close with russia and china).

i'm just guessing deepwater horizon wasn't an accident. and if it wasn't an accident, what would i do as pres? send some military (coast guard) down there to protect the remaining oil rigs and pay bp for damages so they don't bail - and that sounds like what they've done privately if not publicly. i've heard that the us gov doesn't admit attacks unless it's beyond cover up, so you try to find an internal fall guy to distract the public - and it makes sense - look at what 911 did to the airlines. you think people are more likely to continue working in the gulf if they know chavez has submarines and torpedoes? remember, a s. korea vessel recently got hit by one. and i remember an article about china testing advanced (aka stealth) submarines

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